The Solar System
This lesson is an introduction to our place in the Universe and what makes up our Solar System. Download the flashcard template and answer the questions and then use them for retrieval quizzes.
Lifecycle of a Star
We live on a planet that orbits around a medium sized stars. There are billions of stars in the Universe and today you will learn about how they are formed and how they will die. You'll also learn why we are all Stars (kind of). Download the flashcard question template and fill it in while you watch the video
Satellites and Orbits
What are satellites, and what force holds them in orbit? That's the subject of today's lesson. Download the flashcard question template and fill it in while you watch the video
You'll learn what the Doppler Effect is today and how we can use it to help us explain how the Universe was created. Download the flashcard question template and fill it in while you watch the video
Guess the Lesson!!
Today we will finish the Space Topic by explaining how our theories about the Universe have changed over time and what evidence there is to back up the commonly held theory of how the Universe was created we have today. Download the flashcard question template and fill it in while you watch the video
Cosmic! That's the end of the Space topic. Try the End of Topic Quiz and some exam style questions before you move on to the Space Topic.
End of topic quiz Exam Style Questions
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